7x12 Old Persian Tabriz Area Rug - 106564

Rediscover Elegance with RenCollection Rugs' Muted Hand-Knotted 7x12 Old Persian Tabriz Area Rug - 106564 in Dallas DFW

RenCollection Rugs is proud to present the Muted Hand-Knotted 7x12 Old Persian Tabriz Area Rug - 106564, a testament to the enduring beauty and history of Persian Tabriz rugs. This exquisite rug showcases a medallion and corners design that has gracefully faded over time, creating a unique and captivating piece that adds a touch of timeless charm to your decor.

Measuring 7x12 feet, this hand-knotted Persian Tabriz rug is not just a floor covering but a work of art that can transform any room into a showcase of history and tradition. The muted colors and faded design evoke a sense of nostalgia and authenticity, reminding us of the passage of time and the enduring allure of antique rugs.

The medallion and corners, though faded, retain their intricate beauty, offering a glimpse into the craftsmanship and artistry that define Persian Tabriz rugs. This rug's muted palette and worn-in design tell a story of generations of use and appreciation.

At RenCollection Rugs, we take immense pride in offering the finest antique Persian rugs, and the Muted Hand-Knotted 7x12 Old Persian Tabriz Area Rug - 106564 is a remarkable example of the beauty that comes with age and history.

This rug is not just a piece of decor; it's a piece of living history that can enrich your space and connect you to the past.

Visit our Dallas DFW showroom to experience the allure of this exceptional Persian Tabriz rug in person. Let RenCollection Rugs be your trusted partner in bringing the rich history and artistry of antique Persian rugs into your home. Explore our collection today and discover the perfect rug to add a touch of timeless elegance to your decor.

Exact Size: 7'2" x 11'9"
Color: Brown
Age: Old
Materials: Wool
Construction: Hand Knotted
Origin: Iran
Seal: 16640

SKU: 106564

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